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Royal Overseas League Concert - Green Park, London

Shout at Cancer

3 April 1830-1930 at Royal Overseas League London (Green Park/St James),

Poetic (audio)visuals by Philip Clemo 

Composition by Christiandrew for two very unusual choirs of survivors: one choir of trees that overcame the nuclear bombing in Japan (Hirsohima and Nagasaki) the other choir of cancer survivors thanks to the healing power of radiation (radiotherapy) in combination with laryngectomy (the removal of the voice box).

Performance at a stunning location used for so many film sets (eg the Netflix movie about Churchill)

We had the honour to perform at the Princess Alexandra Hall in The Royal Over-Seas League, We had fun on stage, the audience responded overwhelmingly warm, and it felt incredibly good to be back together, It was a difficult preparation, stress until the last minute, with technical problems until 2h before the start of the concert,

We knew however we could do this. We believed in ourselves and together we turned all doubts about what could go wrong into confidence.

That is exactly what we are about:

From Silence into Song,

From doubt into confidence,

Celebrating resilience.

Have a peep at the description below and the beautiful pictures by Robin Footitt

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