Meet the team

Lucie Davienne
A passionate singing coach and former opera singer, Lucie contributes her extensive skills and experience in international voice practices and techniques.

Lizz Summers
An experienced speech & language therapist and post-graduate researcher, exploring the impact of laryngectomy on communication and daily life, Lizz brings specialist knowledge of laryngectomy to the team. Lizz lectured at the City University in London and is now senior managment role in Atos Medical and Countrywide.

Sylvie S. Lui
Sylvie is an Executive Voice, Accent, and Communications Coach at SLVC Voice Training in London. She helps individuals to find their confidence in using their voices authentically and is specialised in: vocal performance, effective communication, breath work, muscular release, alignment.

Sally Rogers
An experienced Speech and Language therapist, who is sharing her enthusiasm and wisdom with us and the group members.
"Together we
shout louder"

Louise Stevens
Louise is the leading Head and Neck speech therapist in the Blackpool Victoria Hospital, and has a passion for music, playing the clarinet.
Advisory Board and Directors

Mr Sanjeev Silva
Consultant ENT/Head and Neck Surgeon.
Sanjeev, one of the founding members of Shout at Cancer, is passionate about music and known for his warm and empathetic approach to patients.
Dr Thomas Moors - Director
A Doctor with a special interest in voice pathology, Thomas is the director, medical lead and research coordinator of Shout At Cancer and joins his medical expertise with his experience in the Belgian Boys Choir to bring together health care and the arts.
La Verne Williams
An internationally renowned opera singer, La Verne, voice consultant, is recognised for her depth of knowledge, experience and input in our voice rehabilitation programme.
Jelena Panza is a senior fundraising and events professional with over 16 years’ experience in iconic cultural institutions in the UK, US and Europe, with a career focus on income generation, development and delivery of creative projects and high level relationship management.

Dr. Donatella Maraschin, a Senior Researcher combining long-standing career as a documentary producer, documentary script advisor and as deputy editor for an innovative print magazine.

Evangelos Himonides
Professor in Technology, Education, and Music Institute of Education - University College London

Desmond Campbell
A leading authority in Banking regulatory requirements relating to Third Party Management and an advisory board member with 25 years experience of commercial management.

Mr Rajeev Advani
Otolaryngologist and Head & Neck Surgeon;
Honorary Lecturer (Edge Hill University)
Rajeev has senior leadership experience with several national organisations and a strong commitment to charity.

Simona Hardy, Head of Marketing, with over 20 years of experience working with global B2B companies. Her career centers on enhancing customer experiences, driving brand awareness and growth. Simona is passionate about making a difference in the lives of others by sharing her insights and creativity to support Shout at Cancer's mission.

Mr J. De Carpentier
ENT Surgeon,
Head of Department
Royal Preston Hospital

Mr Jeremy Wight
Architect and Director of Brod-Wight architects
Savita Mace MSc; FCIPS
Chief Procurement Office & Head of ICS Procurement
University Hospitals Sussex NHS FT. Savita has lead corporate choirs at AstraZeneca, Roche and Sony. She is passionate about spreading joy and improving wellbeing through singing.
We are proud on our collaborative partners

The British Laryngological Association (BLA) is a membership society which aims to achieve advancement in laryngology for the benefit of the public through research, education and training. The BLA promotes all medical, surgical and rehabilitative aspects of laryngology and holds meetings at which those interested in laryngology are able to meet, discuss clinical practice and present clinical and basic scientific research.
The BLA takes an overall interest in the development of laryngology (the management of airway, voice, swallowing disorders, including related sciences and health promotion) in Great Britain. Special reference is given to the needs of those in training and the public at large. The BLA also provides advice on laryngology to ENT-UK, the Department of Health and other organisations and scientific bodies.
The BLA is allied to ENT-UK which is the professional association for British Ear, Nose and Throat Surgeons and other related professionals.
Registered charity England and Wales (1151517)

Shout at Cancer brought to you with support of the General Representation of the Government of Flanders in the United Kingdom
Former Members
We thank: Mr Augustin Deledalle for his role as a trustee from August 2015 - March 2018 and his contribution to our foundation.
Mr H. Akram (director of the Hampstead Academy of Acting and Drama) for his contribution to the foundation of the charity.
He resigned his position as co-director and trustee in April 2016.