Research and interesting links

We feel blessed with the hospitality of the team in Addenbrookes, Cambridge University Hospital, proud to announce the invitation to their regional laryngectomy conference.
Can music help in Depression? Yes or No?
The authors conclusion is that music therapy is appreciated by people with depression and that it improves mood. More research is needed however to be confident about the effectiveness of music therapy on depression.
The answer is YES.
Published: 23 January 2008 Authors: Maratos A, Gold C, Wang X, Crawford M
A night cap or some music before bed time?
Authors' conclusion: Music
Listening to music is safe and easy to do for bed time and it may be effective for improving subjective sleep quality in adults with insomnia symptoms. More research is needed to establish the effect of listening to music on daytime consequences of insomnia. (1)
Consuming alcohol before bedtime interferes with the sleep cycles and ends up in a less effective night rest, most of the time even interrupted with a visit to the toilet. (2)
1.Published: 13 August 2015 Authors: Jespersen KV, Koenig J, Jennum P, Vuust P
Full article
In the May Edition 2015 of the offical magazine of the royal college of speech and language therapists

Can music interventions benefit cancer patients? Yes or No?
Although the researchers conclude that the results need to be interpreted with caution:
the answer is YES.
A Cochrane review included 30 trials with a total of 1891 participants. The findings suggest that music therapy and music medicine interventions may have a beneficial effect on anxiety, pain, mood, quality of life, heart rate, respiratory rate, and blood pressure in cancer patients.
No evidence of a difference between music therapy or music medicine and control was found for depression, fatigue, or physical status. However, only a small number of trials investigated the effect of music on these outcomes.
Published: 10 August 2011 Authors: Bradt J, Dileo C, Grocke D, MagillL
Currently we are preparing the PhD of Dr Thomas Moors under Supervision of Prof Hisham Mehanna and Mr Declan Costello University of Birmingham.
Our speech & language Therapist, Lizz Summers has completed her Research Masters at City University London, exploring the every day communication experiences of people after laryngectomy who use a valve. She will continue her most valuable work as PhD: An ethnographic study of tracheoesophageal speakers’ communication and is based at City University London, supervised by Dr Madeline Cruice and Dr Eamonn McKeown, commencing Feb 2017.
Together with Dr Maraschin at the London South Bank University and and Dr Evangelos, Institution of Education (IOE) of University College London (UCL) we are exploring how to deliver an internet platform that improves accessibility to useful information and increase social interaction for patients who suffer from Throat Cancer (Laryngectomy).